- 透过高高的芦苇丛窥探.peering through the lattice of tall reeds
- 月光透过树叶洒下来。Moonlight dripped through the leaves.
- "不要再窥探别人的私事了,你知道,偷看别人的信件是非法的!""You should stop prying; you know, it's unlawful to read other people's letters!"
- 芦荡reed marshes
- 原藜芦碱protoveratrine
- 能透过射线radioparent
- 鹿儿,爱高高的树林;兔子,爱居住的山地;The hart, he loves the high wood; The hare, she loves the hill;
- 天目藜芦[医] Veratrum schindleri Loes.
- 月亮透过云层缓缓出现The moon peeping through the clouds.
- 天目藜芦碱tiemulilumine
- 选色电极系统透过度colour-selecting-electrode transmission
- 除去一次小小的意外,他健康状态良好,从无倦容,总是将头抬得高高的。Except for one minor incident, he seemed to be in excellent health, never showing any signs of fatigue, and holding his magnificent head high.
- 天目藜芦碱乙tiemuliluminine; tienmuliluminine
- 约翰和乔治透过他们祖母而有亲戚关系。John and George are related through their grandmother.
- 芦荟多糖的含量测定Determination of Polysaccharides in A. Vera L. Var Chinensis Berg
- 她透过泪水想要挤出笑容trying valiantly to smile through her tears
- 芦荟保健低温火腿肠的研制Development Study of Pasteurized Health Aloe Minced Ham Sausage
- 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust.
- 那个陌生人好奇地透过栅栏向庭院里窥视。The stranger peered with curiosity through the railings into the courtyard.
- 初探芦荟在护发类产品中应用Exploration of Aloe application to Hair Care Products