- 这个剧十分可笑.The play's a scream.
- 这个剧十分可笑。The play's a scream.
- 这个this
- 那剧十分糟糕, 在幕间休息时观众纷纷离去。The play is so awful that there is a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.
- 那剧十分糟糕, 在幕间休息时观众纷纷离去.The play was so awful that there was a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.
- 那剧十分糟糕, 在幕间休息时观众纷纷离去The play be so awful that there be a general exodus from the theatre at the interval
- 十分very
- 这个月this (current) month
- 电影剧photodrama
- 她看起来十分可笑!She looked an absolute hoot!
- 韩剧South Korean TV soaps
- 所以说,这些关于用麦迪换科比的交易幻想都显得十分可笑。So these Kobe for T-Mac trade fantasies are grossly ridiculous.
- 作者似乎拿不定主意是写喜剧还是写悲剧,致使这个剧非驴非马。The author seems uncertain whether he is writing a comedy or a tragedy, so the play falls between two stools.
- 日剧Japanese TV play
- 肥皂剧soap opera
- 《苦行记》写的是他在美国极西部的经历,其中有些十分可笑的插曲。Roughing It, about his adventures in the Far West, contained some richly funny episodes.
- 她看起来十分可笑!She looked an absolute hoot!
- 这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。This play is the image of contemporary urban life.
- 聪明的让人讨厌,愚蠢的又十分可笑。The clever ones are detestaBle, the others are grotesque.
- 这个剧本属于批判现实主义。This play comes under the category of critical realism.