- 警察示意让他们停住.The policeman signed(for)them to stop.
- 警察示意让我停下来。The policeman signed to me to stop.
- 突然他们停住了,聚在一起,指指点点,似乎在倾听着什么。Once, indeed, they paused, drew into a group, and seemed to point and listen.
- 值班警察示意出租车都开走。The taxis were motioned away by the policeman on duty.
- 他们示意让我跟在后面。They gestured that I should follow.
- 警察示意我停车。The policeman made a sign for me to stop.
- 停住draw up
- 她示意让他们进来。She gestured for them to come in.
- 高速公路上的巡逻警察示意我们避开事故地区。The highway patrol flagged us away from the accident.
- 示意让她进来motioned to her to enter.
- 警察示意他停下,可他继续往前走。The policeman signed to him to stop, but he continued to advance.
- 汽车晃了一下,停住了。The bus stopped with a jerk.
- 她以尊贵的神态示意让他离开。She dismissed him with a regal gesture.
- 他们停下来休息一下。They made a stand and took a rest.
- 他向我点头示意让我离开房间。He nodded to me to leave the room.
- 我预备让他们自己回味一下。I want to let them stew in their own juice for a bit.
- 他挥手叫我们停住。He waved to us to stop.
- 他示意让我坐下。He motioned to me to sit down.
- 他们停桨歇息。They rested on their oars and had a rest.
- 按红色的按钮就能把机器停住。You can stop the machine by pushing the red button.