- 天空sky
- 苍穹welkin
- 海阔天空as boundless as the sea and sky
- 天空的skyey
- 在天空on high
- 她看着蓝色的苍穹。She looked at the blue dome of the sky.
- 不羁的天空River Phoenix
- 电视塔直指苍穹。The television tower rears far into the sky.
- 探照灯射出一道长长的光柱划过天空。The searchlight shot a long ray across the sky.
- 一颗流星急速掠过天空。A meteor suddenly shot across the sky.
- 爱情是男人仰看天空的一颗星,而婚姻是他掉进去的洞穴。Love is the star a man looking up to and marriage is the hole he falling into.
- 天空开始飘雪。The sky began to spit snow.
- 天空下的subaerial
- 以天空为主题的画skyscape
- 一道耀眼的闪电照亮了天空。A dazzling streak lit up the sky.
- 一股烟云飘悬在天空中。A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air.
- 陨星迅速掠过天空。The meteor shot across the sky.
- 云在天空飘移。Clouds are sailing the skies.
- 暴风雨过后天空明亮起来了。The sky brightened after the storm.
- 雨从阴沉的天空倾盆而下。Rain poured down from the murky skies.