- 花园中对称的布局.The symmetrical arrangement of the gardens.
- 附加音节的一个对称的音脚或诗节中对称完整诗行中一句末尾附加一个或多个音节Having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete line of verse or in a metrical foot.
- 如今把日规当作装饰品装在屋上和花园中是非常时髦的。Sundials on houses and in gardens are a very popular decoration today.
- 尺寸链计算中对称度误差的处理方法A Means to Deal with Dimensional Chain Computing with Symmetry Error
- 美洲主要的野花,有膨大、囊状的一个唇;很难在花园中栽植。any of several chiefly American wildflowers having an inflated pouchlike lip; difficult or impossible to cultivate in the garden.
- 对称symmetry
- 此时,将会立即出现就地错误信息文本,并可能更改页的布局。In that case, in-place error message text appears immediately and can potentially change the layout of the page.
- Y在X中对称度量化symmetrizability Y of in X
- 花园中群芳争艳。In the garden flowers vie with each other in beauty.
- 关于简单图中对称点的性质On Charanteristico of Symmetrical Points in a Simple Graph
- 花园的布局很精巧。The layout of the garden is ingenious.
- 我母亲有高超的种植技能,能在小花园中种出任何东西。My mother's got green fingers and she can grow anything in her small garden.
- 数据库中对称密钥的名称。The name of a symmetric key in the database.
- 花园中阳光普照。The garden was bathed in sunlight.
- 中轴线相对于某些要求测量或对称的文艺作品的一条假想线,如绘画An imaginary line to which elements of a work of art, such as a picture, are referred for measurement or symmetry.
- 在“背景”组中,单击所需的布局选项。In the Background group, click the layout option that you want.
- 小偷在花园中留下一个脚印。The thief had left an impression of his foot in the garden.
- 滞弹性系统中对称扰动的涡度方程的特征分析Analysis of symmetrically disturbed vorticity equation in anelastic system
- “代码编辑器”始终尝试将代码格式保持为标准的、易于阅读的布局。The Code Editor always tries to keep your code formatted in a standard, easy-to-read layout.
- 除去花园中的杂草weed a garden