- 绝症病人收容所.a home for incurables
- 晚期病人收容所a hospice for the terminally ill
- 即使绝症病人使用吗啡而成瘾是否重要仍有争议,另一个议题则是使用大剂量的吗啡会抑制呼吸并因此而加速死亡。"This remains controversial even in terminal cases, when addiction is arguably irrelevant; another issue in such cases is that large doses depress respiration and may thus hasten death. "
- 最高法院于昨日认可了俄勒岗州关于医生协助病人自杀的法律,裁决司法部不应惩处协助绝症病人结束生命的医生。The Supreme Court upheld Oregon's law on physician-assisted suicide yesterday, ruling that the Justice Department may not punish doctors who help terminally ill patients end their lives.
- 绝症incurable disease
- 收容所hospice
- 他身患绝症。He suffered from an incurable disease.
- 那位医师对病人十分耐心。The doctor is very patient with his patients.
- 临时收容所casual ward
- 病人又发病了。The patient had a relapse.
- 酒徒收容所an asylum for inebriates
- 身患绝症terminally ill
- 病人病情转好。The sick man has taken a turn for the better.
- 艾滋病是绝症.Aids is a fatal disease.
- 麻疯病人收容所leper house
- 病人通夜呻吟。The sick man moaned all night.
- 绝症需猛药。Deadly diseases require desperate remedies.
- 病人危在旦夕。The patient was on the verge of death.
- 绝症患者incuarable; terminally ill patient; patient with terminal disease
- 绝症;危险境地a desperate illness; a desperate situation.