- 移民能解决我们的问题.Emigration will solve our problems.
- 答应在9至15个月时间内给予贷款,远远不能解决我们目前的问题。A promise of accommodation in nine to fifteen months' time does not go far to solve our present problem.
- 我们的问题都是人为的,因此是人所能解决的。Our problems are manmade; therefore, they can be solved by man.
- 她渴望移民能有平等的权利。She was avid for equal rights for immigrants.
- 公正的仲裁人能解决我们的争端。An impartial judge can settle our argument.
- 我们担心的是这种方法只会修正表面症状而不能解决真正的问题。The fear is that such an approach leads to fixing symptoms rather than the actual problems.
- 因此有效对付这些常见病就是我们最迫切需要解决的问题。So the effective handling of the common diseases constitutes our most urgent problem.
- 要善于把握时机来解决我们的发展问题。We should seize every opportunity to develop the economy.
- 假设复制的个人不仅能从事抽象的物理研究,还能解决医学上亟待解决的问题。And suppose the person being replicated were researching not just abstruse questions of physics but pressing questions of medicine.
- 我希望经过这些讨论,能有人想出解决我们困难的办法。I hope that after all these discussions,someone will strike on a way out of our difficulty.
- 教师能适当地回应我们的问题。The lecturer answered our questions appropriately.
- 一些移民律师担心这种签证还不能解决问题。Some immigration advocates worry that the visas won't be much help.
- 对于这样的问题,我们的脑子还不能马上就理解。Our minds cannot take in such problems all at once.
- 我曾经说过,干部不是只要年轻,有业务知识,就能解决问题,还要有好的作风。I once said that youth and professional competence alone are not enough. To this must be added a fine work style.
- 我们应该一起解决我们国家的问题。We should work together on the solution of our national problems.
- 这样的问题,我们的脑子还不能马上就理解。Our minds cannot take in such problems all at once.
- 我不是圣贤,不能解决所有的问题I am not an oracle; I do not have a solution to everything
- 他们的承诺对解决我们当前的问题没多大帮助。Their promises don't go very far towards solving our present problems.
- 如果他们不能解决现在的问题,他们的经济就会出现严重问题。If they cannot work out a solution to the present problem, their economy is heading for serious trouble.
- 他给我们的问题想出了一个很棒的解决方案。He came up with a really elegant solution to our problem.