- 知识和艺术匮乏的时期.believed to be lacking in knowledge and art.
- 知识和艺术匮乏的时期。Believed to be lacking in knowledge and art.
- 《伯尔尼公约》(有关保护文学和艺术作品版权的公约)Berne Convention
- 知识knowledge
- 雅典的知识和艺术之所以勃发,无疑是由于当时环境的优渥。This intellectual and artistic outbreak in Athens was no doubt favoured by the conditions of the time.
- 贫困的,匮乏的(尤其在经济或社会必需品上)缺乏的贫困的Marked by deprivation, especially of economic or social necessities.
- 雅典的知识和艺术之所以勃发,无疑是由于当时环境的优渥。This intellectual and artistic outbreak in Athens was no doubt favoured by the conditions of the time.
- 战场敌方情报信息提供一种快速手段来研究和追踪敌人,特别是情报匮乏的区域。Enemy Order of Battle (EOB) Information Allows a rapid means to develop and track enemy order of battle information, especially in areas where information is sparse.
- 另一种方式涉及了仔细的测量、专门的知识和大量的调优工作。The other kind involve careful measurement, specific knowledge, and a fair amount of tuning.
- 唐朝是文学和艺术的黄金时期。The Tangperiod was the golden age of literature and art.
- 我们必须排除想拥有绝对知识和绝对权利的欲望。We have to cure ourselves of the itch for absolute knowledge and power.
- 当文学一半成为贸易,一半成为艺术时,那是它最繁荣的时期。英国作家和牧师Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art.Wiliam Rplph lnge, Birtish writer and churchman
- 《保护文学和艺术作品的伯尔尼公约》Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- 民俗研究对民间知识和文化的比较研究The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture.
- 因为耶和华赐人智慧。知识和聪明,都由祂口而出。For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
- 文艺作品,文艺活动:智力和艺术活动以及由此产生的作品。Intellectual and artistic activity, and the works produced by it.
- 乌干达代表团报告了在刚过去的时期在制定和贯彻知识产权计划中取得的积极进步。The Delegation of Uganda reported the positive progress in the formulation and implementation of IP issues in the foregoing period.
- 即使创作一支短乐曲也需要想象和艺术才能。It takes imagination and artistry to write even a short piece of music.
- 敦煌石窟的保护需要的是知识和科学。What were needed for the protection of the Dunhuang grottoes were knowledge and science.
- 美学家精通美学理论和艺术表达的人One versed in the theory of beauty and artistic expression.