- 瞧站在那儿的那个男子.Look at that man standing there.
- 站在那儿的那个人是我们公司的重要人物。The man standing there is a big shot in our company.
- 站在那儿的那个人是我们公司的重要人物。)The man standing rhere is a big shot in our company.
- 人们站在大路两边每个便于观看的地点来观看节日游行。People stood at every coign of vantage on both sides of the road to watch the gala parade.
- 瞧那边的那个男子。Look at that man over there.
- 这家公司在苏格兰新建了一家工厂,扩大了在那儿的经营。The company has expanded its operations in Scotland by building a new factory there.
- 如果把同志当作敌人来对待,就是使自己站在敌人的立场上去了。To treat comrades like enemies is to go over to the stand of the enemy.
- 是我看花眼了呢,还是在那儿的人是比尔呢?我以为他死了。Am I seeing things or is that Bill over there? I thought he was dead.
- 站在她右边的那个人是她兄弟。The man standing on her right is her brother.
- "站在这里,我问心无愧," 被告说,"因为我知道我是清白的。""Here I stand with a safe conscience, " the accused said, "because I know I am innocent."
- 在那儿的那个女人都103岁了.That woman there is 103.
- 他站在那儿环顾四周。He stood there looking all round.
- 假若他们让那女子呆在那儿的话,那么她就会改革整个地方。If they let that woman in there the first thing they know she'll have the whole place reorganised.
- 你去考核一下坐在那儿的那个女孩。Check out the girl sitting over there.
- 我相信现在站在乳酪柜台前的女士就是刚才站在我跟前的那个。I believe the lady in front of the cheese counter was here before me.
- 她站在那儿一筹莫展地哭泣着。She stood there helplessly crying.
- 站在捕手后边,穿蓝色衣服,胸前戴着个牌子的那个人是谁?Who is the man standing behind the catcher dressed in blue and wearing a pad over his chest?
- 在我和博坐在那儿的15分钟里,她一言不发,纹丝未动。In the fifteen minutes that Beau and I sat with Katherine,she never said a word and never moved.
- 她站在那儿,看着这壮观的景象。She stand there and survey the spectacle.
- 这下,他总算知道自己为什么老爱站在这儿了,他期待的那个时刻,到了。Now he knows why he likes to perch here. Now, his time has come!