- 到下午去接夏先生的时候,他不知为什么非常的恨这个老瘦猴。In the afternoon when he went to fetch Mr. Xia, he suddenly found himself loathing this skinny old monkey.
- 他不喜欢夏先生,可是每逢到药房去,他不由的替这个老瘦猴难过。He disliked the man, but each tame they went to buy medicine he felt sorry for this skinny old monkey.
- 假若他也有些可以自解的地方,他想,倒是那个老瘦猴似的夏先生可恶,应当得些恶报。To justify this attitude, he thought it was Mr. Xia that skinny old monkey who was disgusting and reprehensible.
- 瘦lean
- 祥子讨厌这位夏先生:成天际弯弯着腰,缩缩着脖,贼似的出入,眼看着脚尖,永远不出声,不花钱,不笑,连坐在车上都象个瘦猴;Xiangzi disliked the way this Mr. Xia crept about like a thief, hunched up, his neck pulled in, his eyes on his toes, silent and stingy and joyless. Even seated in the rickshaw, he looked like a skinny monkey.
- 瘦身reduce weight
- 瘦的thin
- 小猴vervet
- 杀鸡儆猴punish one person as a warning to others
- 变瘦reduce
- 弥猴桃Chinese gooseberry
- 狐猴lemur
- 瘦人lath
- 恒河猴rhesus
- 他瘦得只剩一把骨头了。He was reduced to a skeleton.
- 猴面包树monkey bread
- 那个农夫又高又瘦。The farmer is tall and spare.
- 沐猴而冠beautiful clothes cannot hide the ugliness inside
- 她看上去比过去瘦了。She looks thinner than before.
- 孩子们参观了动物园的猴舍。The children visited the monkey house at the zoo.