- 火车失事惨剧.a fearful railway accident
- 汽车/火车失事a car/train wreck
- 发言人拒绝对火车失事原因进行猜测。A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the train crash.
- 惨剧tragic
- 火车费已从他工资中扣除。The train fare has already been taken out from his salary.
- 这条船在一次风暴中失事了。The ship was wrecked in a storm.
- 他开车太快,结果酿成惨剧。He drove too fast with tragic consequences.
- 开往布赖顿市的火车在第几站台?Which platform does the Brighton train leave from?
- 这次事故差一点造成一场惨剧。This accident could have produced a real tragedy.
- 他们怕船失事。They are scared that the ship might be wrecked.
- 一辆火车蜿蜒曲折驶进了视野。A train snaked into sight.
- 这次飞机失事只有一个幸存者。There was only one survivor from the plane crash.
- 做金黄色葡萄球菌感染导致痤疮的惨剧?Do Staph Infections Cause Acne Breakouts?
- 这些煤将用火车装运。The coal will be shipped by rail.
- 她死于三年前的一场楼梯坍塌的惨剧中。She died three years ago in a tragic fall down a flight of stairs.
- 那艘船在浅水处失事。The ship was wrecked on the shoals.
- 火车在山中蜿蜒而行。The train snaked its way among the mountains.
- 在这次船失事中只有三人得救。Only three people were saved from the shipwreck.
- 火车开动了。The train was in motion.
- 营救失事船save a ship from wreck