- 没有竞争就没有进步.No competition, no progress.
- 没有竞争就没有市场。Without competition there would be no market.
- 没有hasn't
- 他一点也没有竞争心。He is not at all competitive.
- 他在学习写作方面没有进步。He made no progress in learning to write.
- 没有竞争就不会有市without competition there would be no market; they were driven from the marketplace.
- 如果你没有竞争的优势,不要去竞争!If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete.
- 没有人nobody
- 有同修觉得修行很久没有进步,有什么方法可以突破?Some fellow initiates feel that they make no spiritual progress despite practicing for a long time.
- 海伦一开始竞争就承认失败了。Helen had no sooner begun the competition than she chucked in her hand.
- 没有什么there's nothing ( ... about it)
- 那些没有进步的人,事实上还是有进步,只不过进步太少了。For the ones who have not progressed: You have progressed, but too little.
- 摘要媒介之间的竞争就是传播力的竞争。Media competition is just the competition of propagation force.
- 30年前他还是孩子的时候就离开了家,从此,他家里人一直没有得到他的消息。He ran away as a boy thirty years ago, and his family has never heard from him since.
- 你不能说文明没有进步,因为每次战争都有新的杀人方法出现。We can't say civilization don't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way.
- 本领练好了,竞争就比较容易了。When that is done, the race will be found comparatively easy
- 【谚】没有苦难,就没有快乐。No cross, no crown.
- 毕竟,这个由链子和T型铁组成的连接物品已经有50年没有进步了。After all, the chain and T-bar fastening had not really advanced for 50 years.
- 生存竞争就报纸来说,乃是为报纸的发行而斗争。The struggle for existence, in the case of the newspaper, has been a struggle for circulation.
- 只能适应于一定兵团、一定地方和战争发展的一定阶段,这叫做没有进步和没有发展。A commander who remains capable of commanding only a formation of a certain size,only in a certain locality and at a certain stage in the development of a war shows that he has made no progress and has not developed.