- 水water
- 焙烧的水滑石上醇类选择性乙氧基化合成三乙二醇单乙醚Selective Ethoxylation of Alcohols to Triethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether over Calcined Hydrotalcite Catalyst
- 水滑石-膨润土异凝聚体的形成及对石蜡乳化效果的初步研究Primary Study on Formation of the Coagulation of Hydrotalcite -Bentonite System and Its Emulsifying Effect on Wax
- 水滑石houghite
- 超分子结构甲基橙插层水滑石的组装及其光热稳定性研究Supramolecular Assembly of Methyl Orangepillared Hydrotalcite and Its Light and Thermal Stability
- 类水滑石hydrotalcite-like compound
- 纤水滑石nemalite
- Zn-Al水滑石Zn-Al hydrotalcite
- 钴铝水滑石ZnAl-HT
- 镍锌水滑石eardlyite
- 焙烧水滑石calcined lagered double hydroxides
- 镁铝水滑石Mg-Al hydrotalcite
- 柱撑水滑石pillared hydrotalcite
- Mg-Al水滑石Mg-Al LDHs
- 锌铝水滑石Zn-Al hydrotalcite
- 纳米水滑石nano-hydrotalcite
- 铁纤水滑石ferronemalite
- 含铬水滑石Cr-contained hydrotalcite
- 铬类水滑石preparation
- 插层水滑石Intercalated-LDHs