- 本和家人在客厅里.Ben and his family are in the sitting-room.
- 人们可以体验到奢侈和吃得过饱,不必麻烦地去学习在客厅里双手该做什么。One could experience excess and satiety without the inconvenience of learning what to do with one's hands in a drawing-room.
- 有较少时间和家人在一起had less time to spend with the family.
- 第二天,伯莎坐在客厅里读书时,杰拉尔德·沃德雷被领进来了。Next day, when Bertha was in the drawing-room, reading, Gerald Vaudrey was show in.
- 我感谢能在这里和家人在一起而且很健康,I give thanks for being here with my family and for being well
- 在暖和地区的草本和木本的木质藤本和灌木;白花丹属。shrubs and herbs and woody vines of warm regions: leadwort.
- 环保署的水质监测工作均由工作人员在每个监测站上采集水样本和记录观察数据。All the EPDs river water quality monitoring operations are carried out by individuals, who visit the monitoring stations, take samples and record data.
- 他在客厅里接见了我们。He received us in the drawing-room.
- 杰克:是的。当他打电话给我时,我正和家人一起吃晚饭。Jack: Yes, he did. When he called me, I was having supper with my family.
- 本文件以英文本和中文本签署,两种文本具有相同的法律效力。This document is executed in both English and Chinese which shall have the same legal effect.
- 她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓(麦考利)。Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains(Macaulay.
- 我一个人在客厅里等。I am waiting alone in the parlor.
- 本和他的伙伴们对海港城市波士顿及其附近的沼泽地很感兴趣。The seaport town of Boston and the marshes nearby held much to interest Ben and his friends
- 原先,除了与家人在一起以外,我对周围的人与物均感陌生。Before, except when I was among family members, it was like being a stranger in a strange land.
- 我本想和家人去野餐的。I expected to go picnicking with my family.
- 女主人在客厅里摆放了许多鲜花。The housemistress fussed up the drawing room with many flowers.
- 曾荣获这一奖项的明星还包括莎朗·斯本和凯莉·托纳。Previous winners of the award include Sharon Osbourne and Kerry Katona.
- "纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家小旧书店里找到了他所需要的那本难得的书。"By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second-hand bookshop.
- 所有新的群体性活动都是模拟人和家人或者朋友们一起打发时间的好办法!All-new group activities are a great way for Sims to spend time with family and friends.
- 王后在客厅里,The queen was in the parlor