- 暴风雨中闪电大作.Lightning flashed during the storm.
- 暴风雨中闪电大作。Lightning flashed during the storm.
- 人工增雨作业中闪电定位仪与雷达的综合应用Comprehensive Utilizing of Lightning Position Indicator and Radar in Artificial Precipitation Operation
- 冰雹过程中闪电演变和雷达回波特征的综合分析Analysis between Lightning Evolution and Radar Echo Feature in Hailstorm Process
- 那条小船在暴风雨中沉没了。The boat was swamped in the storm.
- 尽管如此,闪电并非一无是处。大气中闪电释放的氮以及被雨滴带到地上的氮使土地肥沃。Lightning is not all bad, however. The soil is enriched with nitrogen that is released from the atmosphere by lightning and carried to the ground by raindrops.
- 河南报业网讯9月20号凌晨贯彻洛杉矶的闪电大作,持续发生在该区域电子风暴导致了电力中断致使2万用户遭受断电之苦。Lightning bolts flash over downtown Los Angeles early Sept. 20. Up to 20,000 customers experienced power disruptions from an electrical storm that continued to hover over the region that morning.
- 湖面在暴风雨中浪花翻滚。The water of the lake churned in the storm.
- 窗外夜幕低垂,正是大雨滂沱,间或传来暴风雨中的殷殷雷鸣。It was already dark outside; occasionally there were rumblings from a storm and it was raining heavily.
- 暴风雨中波浪汹涌。Waves heave in a storm.
- 我们的船在暴风雨中颠簸。Our ship pitched about in the storm.
- 暴露于暴风雨中, 受风吹雨打exposed to the fury of the elements
- 这只船从暴风雨中脱险了。The ship outlived the storm.
- 这船在暴风雨中倾倒了。The ship heeled over in the storm.
- 小船从暴风雨中脱险。The boat outlived the storm.
- 庄稼在暴风雨中倒伏。The crops lodged in the storm.
- 暴风雨中波浪翻滚。The sea boiled in the storm.
- 船在暴风雨中互相碰撞。The boats were buffeted against one another during the storm .
- 他们在暴风雨中避难。They took refuge from the storm.
- 那座桥在暴风雨中塌陷了。The bridge buckled in the storm.