- 抖揽生意To solicit for Business
- 抖tremble
- 揽monopolize
- 她手头上揽的事情太多了。She has too many irons in the fire.
- 抖出shake-out
- 揽胜visiting scienc spot
- 当它的主人揍它时,狗抖缩了。The dog cowered when its master beat it.
- 我不禁发起抖来。I shivered involuntarily.
- 揽雀尾grasp the peacock's tail
- 鸟儿抖开羽毛以御寒。Birds fluff out their feathers as a protection against the cold.
- 揽储canvass for deposits
- 这鸟抖开它的羽毛。The bird fluffed out its feathers.
- 集装箱揽货表container booking chart
- 抖松枕头fluff up the pillows
- 揽货To deliver or sell goods.
- 这些矿提供了制造了硫酸氨的原抖。These mines supply the raw material for making ammonium sulphate.
- 不要揽事过多。Don't have too many irons in the fire.
- 那只鸟儿在阳光下抖开羽毛。The bird fluffed out its feathers in the sun.
- 揽买卖to canvass business orders
- 抖开台布Shake out a tablecloth