- 把某人打得眼圈发青.give sb a black eye,ie hit sb in the eye causing a bruise
- 把某人打得青一块紫一块beat sb. black and blue
- 把某人打得鼻青眼肿Give someone a black eye
- 我的眼圈发青,手心很热,我不再管,有钱才能活着,先吃饱再说别的吧。There were dark circles under my eyes, my hands were feverish. I didn't care. Money as everything. The idea was to eat your fill first; then you could talk about other things.
- 把某人打得失去知觉Kick the crap out of sb.
- 他眼圈发暗,眼窝深陷。His eyes were dark and sunken.
- 她看上去又老又瘦, 脸颊凹陷, 眼圈发黑。She looked old and thin with sunken cheeks and hollow eyes.
- 把某人打得晕头转向beat the daylights out of sb.
- 把某人打昏bludgeon a person senseless
- 他气[冷]得脸色发青。His face was livid with anger [cold].
- 把某人打死to smite someone dead
- 他气KK得脸色发青。His face was livid with anger.
- 向某人打去。Hit at sb.
- 他气得脸发青。Purple He became purple with range.
- 我们的坦克团把敌军打得落花流水。Our tank regiment thrashed the enemy troops.
- 把某人打晕过去knock sB. senseless
- 她吓得脸发青。She turned blue with fear.
- 他气得脸色发青。He is black with anger.
- 把某人打瞎darken sb.'s daylight
- 瞧你被打得眼青鼻肿,真漂亮极啦!That black eye you got in the fight is a beauty!