- 我们必须尽力缩减开支.We must try to curtail our spending.
- 我们必须尽力控制开支。We must try our best to regulate our expenditure.
- 我们必须尽力把人们从贫穷中解救出来。We must try our best to liberate our people from poverty.
- 我们必须尽力使这个捣蛋的男孩变好。We must do our best to make this troublesome boy good.
- 这个月你必须缩减开支。You must cut expenses this month.
- 缩减开支knock sth down
- 一句话,我们必须尽力去做。In a word, we must try our best to do it.
- 他们只好缩减开支以扭转这种情况。They have to retrieve the situation by reducing their expenses.
- 经营失败后,父亲就得缩减开支。After the business failed, Father had to pull in his horns.
- 我们必须尽力把它贯彻到底。We must do our best to carry it through.
- 经商失败后,他只得缩减开支。After the business failed, he had to haul in his horns
- 同时你必须尽力宽恕我。In the meantime you must try and put up with me.
- 经营失败后,父亲就得缩减开支。After the business failed, Father had to pull in his horns.
- 这种复仇的冲动是我们必须抑制的。This urge to take revenge is something that we have to tame.
- 如果这人在流血,你必须尽力止血。If the person is bleeding, you must try to stop bleeding.
- 自动电源开关;预算赤字导致了自动的缩减开支An automatic light switch; a budget deficit that caused automatic spending cuts.
- 我们必须制止这场殴斗。We must put a stop to the fight.
- 警方必须尽力把罪犯送交法庭审判。The police must do all they can to bring the criminals to justice.
- 我们必须滤除尘垢。We must filter out the dirt.
- 我们只有缩减开支才能扭转这种状况.We can only retrieve the situation by reducing our expenses.