- 我们後撤了半英里.We retreated half a mile.
- 我们後来搬到巴黎,在那里住了六年。We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years.
- 我部队迫於敌人的进攻而後撤。Our troops recoiled before the attack.
- 我们仅走了半英里,他便气喘得象匹呼吸急促的马。We'd only gone about half a mile before he was panting like a broken-winded horse.
- 撤withdraw
- 我们後盘吃的是水果色拉.We had fruit salad for afters.
- 他把那快递车解下了,马上就叫司机朝前开了半英里路光景,开到了一个道口。As soon as he'd cut the express car off, he made the engineer run her up the track about half a mile to a road crossing.
- 他受到了严厉的批评并且被撤了职。He was severely criticized and removed from his post.
- 我们後盘吃的是水果色拉We had fruit salad for afters
- 把盘子、碗撤了clear away the dishes
- 约翰跑了半英里后就气喘吁吁。John was breathless after running for half a mile.
- 和过去的生活脱了节,被撤了职,毁了。Put out of joint with his past life, turned out, dissolved.
- 就这样,他们撤了他的职。They therefore removed him from his position.
- 守门员得到了球,把它一脚踢过了半个场地。The goalkeeper got the ball and booted it half way across.
- 作半英里的冲刺to sprint a half mile
- 警卫部队被立即撤了回来。The garrison was immediately withdrawn.
- 各种药物和护理人员也撤了。The medicines and nurses are gone,too.
- 离公园半英里以内within half a mile of the park
- 老头儿的瓶子里还有两口水,他把小虾吃下去后喝了半口。The old man still had two drinks of water in the bottle and he used half of one after he had eaten the shrimps.