- 必须花时不要省.spare not where you must spend.
- 时hour
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 花flower
- 知识就是你必须花力气才能学到,而在睡觉时是绝对学不到的。You have to reach for them,and that you cannot do while you are asleep.
- 过去我大手大脚地管家,现在我要省着过了,不怕人笑话。I have been a liberal housekeeper enough but I shall not be ashamed to practice economy now.
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。""It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 必须花力气解决问题。There rs no magic formula.
- 糖要省着点用。Go easy on the sugar.
- 他在做家庭作业时不要烦扰他。Don't fuss him while he's doing his homework.
- 就连一个铜板也要省squeeze my dollar and pinch pennies in this time of recession.
- 早花时矮秆晚粳不育系春江12A的选育与利用Breeding and Utilization of Late Japonica CMS Line Chunjiang 12A with Dwarfness and Early Flowering Time
- 由于在页填充时SQL Server必须花时间来拆分页,因此填充因子会影响性能。The fill factor affects performance because SQL Server must take time to split pages when they fill up.
- 过去我大手大脚地管家,现在我要省着过了,不怕人笑话。I have been a liberal housekeeper enough but I shall not be ashamed to practice economy now.
- 你做蛋糕时不要吝惜用奶油。Don't skimp the butter when you make cakes.
- 水稻不育系花时和受粉时间与异交结实率的关系The Relationship between Flowering and Pollination Time and Outcrossing Rate of Male Sterile Lines in Hybrid Rice Seed Production
- 在这样的资源条件下,要创造出远高于世界平均水平的农业生产力,必须花大力气。In these conditions China must make great efforts to advance its agricultural productivity and make it far higher than the average world level.
- 红灯时不要穿越马路。Do not cross the street when the traffic light is red.
- 不论你是否一个贪靓的人,想要你的拍卖品更吸引人的注意,你必须花些心思为它粉饰一番。R-share of Red-hall To make your auction page as the most outstanding and eye-catching one, you must put some effort in the design.
- 别人谈话时不要插嘴。Don't try to cut in while others are talking.