- 异常准确的预言.An uncannily accurate prediction
- 准确的veracious
- 这种塞特种猎犬能异常准确地以头指向山鸡所在的地点。This setter can point pheasant extraordinarily well.
- 天文学家只有在仔细观察的基础上才能对天体的活动作出准确的预言。Only on the basis of precise observations can astronomers make accurate predictions on the movements of heavenly bodies.
- 准确precise
- 不准确的unfaithful
- (=sensu stricto) (拉)在严格的意义上,准确的含义,严格地讲s.str.
- 准确的时间correct time
- 答:信用局报告最准确的信息七年破产负面新闻就是10年.A: A credit bureau can report most accurate negative information for seven years and bankruptcy information for 10 years.
- 保罗,你知道准确的时间吗?我的表停了。保罗:现在是七点三十七分。Joanna: Paulo, do you know the correct time? My watch stopped.
- 保证准确的措施measures to ensure accuracy
- 我同意他更准确的判断,并接受了他的忠告。I bowed to his better judgment and took his advice.
- 他的情报是准确的。His information was accurate.
- 现在准确的时间是几点?What's the right time?
- 他缺乏准确的判断力.He lacks sound judgement.
- 准确的投掷a well-aimed throw
- 不准确的译文a loose translation
- 通过马马虎虎的调查或通过不准确的数据显示就断定某人无罪。exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased presentation of data.
- 对不起,请你告诉我准确的时间好吗?Excuse me. Can you please tell me the correct time?
- 准确的校正a fine adjustment