- 对某人的奉承话、 屈尊俯就的态度觉得不自在.deprecate sb's compliments, condescending charm
- 她爱他真是屈尊俯就了。She had stooped in loving him.
- 他的客气带有屈尊俯就的意味。His politeness smacks of condescension.
- 降低自己的身份;屈尊俯就To degrade or lower oneself;condescend.
- 屈尊以屈尊俯就的态度对待To treat in a condescending manner.
- 你不可能期望他赌咒发誓地来俯就你,并且来吻你的鞋带儿。You must not expect him to come to you with vows and oaths and kiss your shoestrings.
- 还从没有一个出版商主动来与我接洽,这种屈尊有点让我受宠若惊。I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.
- "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。" 汤姆说道。"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom.
- 他屈尊与工人们交往。He condescended to mingle with the workers.
- 她还没有充分意识到这一点。 但是在她屈尊俯就时,她的神态中有一种说不尽的甜美温柔。She did not fully realise that this was so, but there was something in condescension coming from her which was infinitely sweet.
- 俯屈flexion
- 不俯就的uncondescending
- 他从来未曾屈尊与我谈话。He never condescends to speak to me.
- 他们决不会屈尊来注意我。They would never deign to notice me.
- 我被迫屈尊去要求贷款。I was forced to swallow my pride down and ask for a loan.
- 屈身俯就to bate a jot of one's dignity
- 阿切尔的大笑长时间挂在嘴边,变成一抹屈尊的的微笑。Archer's laugh lingered on his lips in a slightly condescending smile
- 屈尊降贵be condescendingly to go to call on; humble respect and yield standing
- 屈尊赐予deign
- 屈尊求教condescend to ask for advice