- 就得切除掉了.They have to amputate.
- 得permit
- 一种呢,就是冷冻以后,可以把它再切除掉,The other one is to freeze it first and then resects it.
- 如果风向变了,你就得把船掉个头。If the wind changes,you'll have to bring her about.
- 我建议你把阑尾切除掉。I suggest you have your appendix removed.
- 实在没办法我们就得把房子卖了还债。At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts.
- 他将肿瘤切除掉,然后止住了血。He simultaneously cut out the tumor and minimized the bleeding.
- 敌人在发射重武器了,我们现在就得进攻。The enemy are firing off their big guns; now we should attack.
- 从蹄到这个关节将皮切开,并切除掉它。Split the hide from the dew claws to the Original cut and skin out the forelegs.
- 它干洗起来很漂亮,皱纹挂一挂就去掉了。It dry-cleans beautifully and wrinkles hang out.
- 我们也可能把它切除掉,可以冷冻把它冷冻掉,We can give them resection with cryoablation by freezing.
- 一切都安顿好了,人们就得考虑宗教的事了。At the end of the day one must decide for oneself about religion.
- 当我终于可以躺下睡觉时已经5点了,可是8点我就得起床。It was5 o'clock when I finally got my head down and I had to get up at8.
- 猎人还没有打中一枪,野猪就逃掉了。The wild boar ran away before the hunter could get a shot in.
- 然而,在探查性外科手术时,就应该把未开放的棘球蚴切除掉。At exploratory surgical operations, however, the unopened hydatid cyst should be excised.
- 你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them.
- 然而,在探查性外科手术时,就应该把未开放的棘球蚴切除掉。At exploratory surgical operations, however, the unopened hydatid cyst should be excised.
- 有人送你到边境, 然後你就得自己走了.You will be accompanied as far as the border; thereafter you must find your own way.
- 他很快就把地板上那一摊水吸掉了。He sponged up the pool of water on the floor quickly.
- 没有人命令你来工作,要是这活儿到时候没有干完,那就得由你们负责了。Nobody is ordering you to some to work, but it will be on your own head if the job is not finished on time.