- 宽幅面PS版wide PS plates
- 基于PCI总线的并行多域值二值化用于宽幅面PS版的质量检测The parallel two-value digitalization used for quality inspection of PS plate with broad surface based on PCI bus
- "边缘宽减" 办法marginal relief arrangement
- "特别宽减" 办法marginal relief arrangement
- 宽砂轮wide abrasive wheel
- 宽瓣亚属Subgenus brachypetalum
- 宽QRS波群wide QRS complex
- 宽浅河段wide and shallow river reach
- 原子谱线宽atomic linewidth
- 林荫宽步道allee
- 于是,格兰瑟姆这间杂货铺简直就成了英国版的林肯小木屋;而当她当上首相以后,她的父亲,艾尔德曼·阿尔弗雷德·罗伯茨更被神化成为这个小城里的苏格拉底式的人物。The grocery became a British equivalent of Lincoln's log cabin; and by the time she became prime minister her father, Alderman Alfred Roberts, was mythologized as a small-town Socrates.
- 多普勒变宽Doppler broadening
- 宽直流输入wide DC input
- 宽幅压输入wide amplitude voltage input
- 宽缓波状带wide and gentle undulating zone
- 宽频带宽角wide angle and wide band
- 宽流道回旋式wide and gyral flow channel
- 原子碰撞谱线增宽atomic collision spectral line broadening
- 宽基工程机械轮胎wide OTR tire
- 免息借款的宽限期是一年。The grace period for the interest free loan was one year.