- 学生在念书.The student is reading a book.
- 学生student
- 我希望萨姆在念书方面再用功一些,因为我一直在想尽一切办法来凑足了钱好让他继续念大学"I wish Sam would study harder, because I am breaking my neck to scrape up the money to keep him in college."
- 嗯,还在念书吧?Hm, still at school?
- 许多学习英语的中国学生在一起英语单词的发音方面有很大困难。Some Chinese students of English have difficulty in getting their tongues round some English words.
- 他儿子才十四岁,还在念书。His son is only fourteen and is still at school.
- 我的学生在课堂上好像都一样聪明敏捷,但看一看他们的作业,就很容易看出好坏。My students seem equally quick and bright in class but when I look at their written work it's easy to separate the wheat from the chaff.
- 苏珊为了考试一整夜都在念书。Susan has studied for her exams all day.
- 一群学生在河畔闲逛。A group of students roamed the riverbank.
- 大多数学生在英语考试中成绩很好。Most of the students got on well in die English exanimation.
- 这位爸爸说:“我希望萨姆在念书方面再用功一些,因为我一直在想尽一切办法来凑足了钱好让他继续念大学。I wish Sam would study harder, because I am breaking my neck to scrape up the money to keep him in college.
- "十四岁的学生在这件值得注意的事件中会忽略掉什么呢?" (麦考莉)"What schoolboy of fourteen is ignorant of this remarkable circumstance" (Macaulay).
- 一旦进入大学,日本的学生在进入四年级之前成绩直线下降。And once they get into a university,Japanese students tend to coast until their senior year.
- 今天对一个学生来说,即使他在念书时兼职打工,在暑假全职工作,以攒钱在毕业后偿还5000美元的债务,也是很平常的。Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to accrue%245.000 in loans after graduation.
- 要求学生在中学毕业时,具有熟练掌握藏语文读写的能力。Tibetan students are required to read and write the Tibetan language proficiently upon graduation from middle schools.
- 同侪指导法让学生在讨论下一个问题前更清楚地理解好目前所学的概念。PIM allows students to approach the concept at hand in a different way without moving on to a new topic until it has been claried.
- 勤奋的学生在我们的学校学习几个星期以后他们的英语水平就会有很明显的进步。Hardworking students may see a quick improvement in their English level after a few weeks of study at our school.
- 警察拘留了许多疑犯进行审问,捣乱的学生在放学后被拘禁了,直到通知他们的家长The police detained several suspects for questioning. The disruptive students were detained after school until their parents had been notified.
- CAI是一种教育思想,它使学生在计算机进行对话的过程中学习。CAI is an educational concept that places the student in a conversational mode with a computer that has a preprogrammed study plan.
- 一般说来,健康较好的学生在课堂里听讲思想更为集中。By and large the students with better health are more attentive in class.