- 好学的女青年.a scholarly young woman
- 琼斯非常文静,是个勤奋好学的男孩。Jones was very quiet, a studious boy.
- 学learn
- 正如达芬奇对人体比例的研究一样,很多好学的人也在为汽车寻找恰当的比例。As Leonardo da Vinci did with the human body, and his Vitruvian Man, a great number of studious men have done the same thing with the right proportions of the vehicles.
- 青年youth
- 不守规矩的女青年Teddy girl
- 她是位多才多艺、演技高超的女演员。She is a versatile and superlative actress.
- 当这位老人的全部遗产都给了他的女管家时,全家人都气疯了。The family was furious when the old man's entire possessions went to his housekeeper.
- 她是一个很好学的学生。She is a keen student.
- 女青年体型figure type of young women
- 学好emulate good
- 基督教青年会及基督教女青年会并开办了5所酒店式的国际宾馆。Five international hotel-type guest houses are managed by the YMCA and YWCA.
- 好学curiousness
- 学号student number
- 学到acquire
- 这位年老的女裁缝迅速地给我的裙子打好裙褶。The old seamstress ruffled my skirt rapidly.
- 女孩已成为一个健壮的女青年了。The girl has blossomed out into a strong young woman.
- 好学的:想要知道更多的.Curious:Eager to learn more
- 住在基督教女青年会(招待所).Stay at the YWCA(hostel)