- 她觉得很难理解他.She found it difficult to understand him/found him difficult to understand.
- 我觉得很难理解他的意思。I find it hard to spell out his meaning.
- 她觉得很难与她相处,这可能是因为她们年龄上的差距。She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages.
- 我觉得很难理解他。I have great difficulty in understanding him.
- 他目不转睛地看着她,使她觉得很不自在.Under his intense gaze she felt uncomfortable.
- 她很难理解他。She had great difficulty in understanding him.
- 她觉得很不舒服。She felt lousy(= ill).
- 他是瞎子,这笑声他确实很难理解。He is a blind man. The laughter is really over his head.
- 我从椅子上跌下来,她觉得很好笑。She thought it was a scream when I fell off my chair.
- 我喜欢读他的短篇小说,可是我觉得很难对他的长篇小说产生兴趣。I like his short stories but I find it very difficult to get into the full-length novels.
- 很难理解他的行为。It is difficult to understand comprehend his Behavior
- 她看上去脸色苍白,她说她觉得很虚弱。She looked like a ghost and said she was feeling faint.
- 细菌生物学有时会很难理解。The biology of bacteria can be quite hard to understand.
- 他那样对待她, 她觉得很丢脸.His treatment of her made her feel cheap.
- 生物学有时会很难理解。Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand.
- 她小声(对我)说她觉得很害怕.She whispered (to me) that she felt very afraid.
- 他觉得很难把他的想法,明确表达出来。He feels very hard clearly and definitely express his idea.
- 许多家长很难理解为什么那么多的中小学生沉迷于电脑游戏。Many parents find it hard to understand why so many secondary and primary school students indulge themselves in computer games.
- 他那样对待她,她觉得很丢脸。His treatment of her made her feel cheap.
- 这很难理解。This is tough to swallow.