- 她考试准备得不充分.She was poorly prepared for the examination.
- 不管准备得如何不充分,这次晚会还是成功之路的。The party was a success, however inadequate the preparations may have been.
- 她she
- 得permit
- 他考试不及格表明他对考试准备不足。His faitureserves to show that he had not got well prepared for the exam.
- 准备prepare
- 她的her
- 她考试差点不及格,而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好。She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.
- 他对即将举行的考试准备不足。He was inadequately prepared for the impending examinations.
- 但是,这不能责备青年,而在于党和团对他们的工作还做得不充分。The blame for this situation,however,lies not with the youth themselves,but with the Party and the League that have not explained things clearly enough to them.
- 她的父母因为她考试不及格而批评她Her parents put her down for failing the course.
- 英语语法与会话:BEC考试准备English Grammar and Conversation: Preparation for the BEC Vantage Exam
- 她因他的冷漠而变得不快。She was soured by his indifference.
- 英语写作与会话:BEC高级考试准备English Writing and Conversation: Preparation for the BEC Higher Exam
- 她考试不及格,感到极其羞愧。She felt great shame at having failed the exam.
- 积洼是全部燃料蒸发得不充分和进气歧管类似影响的结果。The pudding results from the failure of all the fuel to vaporize and from the sorting effect of the intake manifold.
- 这一集中考试准备课程帮助你准备参加PMP测试。This intensive exam prep workshop will prepare you to pass the PMP exam.
- 使她高兴的是她考试及格了。To her delight, she passed the examination.
- 行政机关可能争辩说,拨款受益人的支出记录作得不充分,或计约人提供的货物质量有问题。an agency may contend that a grant recipient kept inadequate records of its expenditures, or that the goods furnished by a contractor were of insufficient quality.
- 商业信函写作与会话:商业信函实践与BEC高级考试准备Written Business Communication and Conversation: Practise of a good command in Commercial Correspondence and preparation for the BEC Higher Exam