- 她考得好极了.She performed very creditably in the exam.
- 迈克:凯蒂的英语考得好吗?简:很好,她考了九十五分。Mike: Did Kitty do well in her English test?
- 这是她考得最糟糕的一次。it was the worst he had ever done on a test.
- 她she
- 得permit
- 听说你唱得好极了.You sing very well, I hear.
- 好极了right on
- 她考得不错,老师表扬了她。The teacher gave her a pat on the back after she did well in the exam.
- 她的her
- 演得好极了!a superb show!
- 她考得糟透了。She messed up on her exam.
- 她考了第二名。She got a second in the examination.
- 好极了!邦德,干得好!"Well done! Bond, you've done it!"
- 她考驾照前坐立不安。Eg: She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.
- "考得怎么样?" "糟透了。""How was the exam?" "I mucked it up."
- 他们把幼稚园办得好极了。They ran the kindergarten extremely well.
- 她考了我们的不规则动词。She tested us on irregular verbs.
- 投考者们考得不很理想,但主考官竭尽全力让尽可能多的人通过。The examination candidates were not very good but the examiner bent over backwards to let as many pass as possible.
- 她考驾驶执照前十分紧张不安。She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.
- 她睡觉睡的好极了。She sleeps like a log.