- 她老爱发脾气.She's much given to outbursts of temper.
- 她老爱发脾气。She's much given to outbursts of temper.
- 她she
- 她老爱在大家的背后耍花招,到头来只是竹篮打水一场空。She always played tricks behind everyone's back, but just to throw out the baby with the bath.
- 她的her
- 我哥哥爱发脾气。My elder brother is fretful.
- 她老爱穿方格呢外衣。She affects plaid coats.
- "可是大夫,为什么我总是感到神经质、紧张、爱发脾气.""But why is it doctor that I am always so nervy, tense and ready to jump on anybody. "
- 他态度很温和,不爱发脾气。He is very mild and doesn't get angry.
- 她老是找我的岔儿。She kept pecking at me.
- 约瑟夫每天清晨觉得爱发脾气。Joseph feels cranky early in the morning.
- 她老是充满怪念头。She is always full of whims and fancies.
- 他老爱炫耀卖弄。He is always showing off.
- 可是大夫,为什么我总是感到神经质、紧张、爱发脾气。But why is it doctor that I am always so nervy,tense and ready to jump on anybody.
- 她老是有圆滑的借口。She's always ready with a glib excuse.
- 演讲人老爱扯开去。The speaker had a tendency to wander from the track.
- 自从他们结婚以来,她老是对他发号施令,跟他纠缠不休。She's bossed and nagged him ever since they got married.
- 他神志清醒,可是显得很急躁,爱发脾气,还没办法让他高兴起来。He was mentally clear, but appeared to be fussy, irritable, and was hard to please.
- 你怎么老爱跟人瞪眼?Why are you always glowering at people?
- 她老这样没完没了地请客,她那可怜的丈夫只好跟着受罪。She gives these parties and her poor hushand has to tag along.