- 她给我写回信非常及时.She was very prompt in answering my letter.
- 她给我写回信非常及时。She was very prompt in answering my letter.
- 那事件之后她给我写了一封严厉的信。She wrote me a vicious letter after the incident.
- 只要她给我点滴爱意,我的心就会感到非常甜蜜One drop of love from he and my heart feels so sweet
- 她给我端上一杯咖啡。She served me a cup of coffee.
- 但是,这一次上帝非常及时地给了我一份珍贵的礼物--来自一个名叫丹的年轻人的电话,这使我又振作起来。But this time,God used his impeccable timing to give me a precious gift--a call from a young man named Dan to give me a second wind.
- 别因为我没写回信而生我的气。Don't be angry with me for not having written back.
- 我的教授给我写了很好的推荐信。My professor gave me a good reference.
- 她来得非常及时。Her arrival was very opportune.
- 她给我烤了一块牛排。She barbecued me a steak.
- 他给我写了一些妙不可言的信。He wrote me some ripping letters.
- 他以那个亭子为背景给我照了一张相片。He took a picture of me with the pavilion in the background.
- 今天我写了一封信给姑妈。I penned a letter to my aunt today.
- 她给孩子们上音乐课。She gives the children lessons in music.
- 他严谨的推理给我留下了深刻的印象。I was impressed by his severe reasoning.
- 她给她的孩子一流的教育。She gave her children a first-rate education.
- 请你给我指一指去飞机场的路,好吗?Could you please show me the way to the airport?
- 她给袖子打了个补丁。She inserted a patch in the sleeve.
- 他上月给我写来一封信。He wrote me a letter last month.
- 他进屋给我端上一大碗热腾腾的肉汤。He entered and served me with a big bowl of steaming broth.