- 她紧张不安地吸着烟.She puffed at a cigarette nervously.
- 他好像很害羞,要了杯黑咖啡,在年轻人喋喋不休地谈论着露宿沙滩的乐趣时,他却紧张不安地吸着烟。He seemed very shy, and ordered black coffee and smoked nervously as the young people chattered about sleeping on beaches.
- 他紧张不安地吸着烟斗。He was puffing (away) nervously at [on] his pipe.
- 她紧张不安地,迅速地又把头发扎好。She did her hair up again nervously and quickly.
- 我聚精会神地愉快地吸着烟,因为我相信这将是我吸的最后一支烟了。I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette.
- 她紧张不安的情绪传递给了孩子们。Her nervousness was communicating itself to the children.
- 她紧张不安地从这房间到那房间四处走动。She fluttered nervously about, going from room to room.
- 表演前,她紧张得浑身颤抖不已。She was so nervous before the performance that she was shaking like a jelly.
- 我聚精会神而又愉快地吸着这枝烟。因为我确信这是我最后一枝烟了。I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette.
- 你的尖叫与呼喊使她紧张不安。Your screeching and shouting is making her nervous.
- 我将一边抽着烟,一边用我的笔在笔记本上写作。I would be writing with my pen in a notebook while smoking.
- 吸着杯suction cups
- 克雷杜克紧张不安地想谈点什么,莱伊小姐没设法帮助他解除窘境。Craddock was nervously thinking of something to say, Miss Ley made no effort to help him.
- 半可逆吸着等温线semi-reversible sorption isotherm
- 如果你对参加晚会感到紧张不安,就不要去了。If you are at all nervous about going to the party,don't go.
- 听到哨子声,她紧张地抖了一下,把毛线塞进筐子。She felt a nervous shock as the whistle blew. She stuffed the wool back into the basket.
- 吸着阀门suction valve
- 考试越来越近,玛丽非常紧张不安。Mary is terribly on edge now that her exams are approaching.
- 她轻快地跳着脚尖舞。She twinkled her straight toes.
- 吸着热检测heat of sorption detector