- 她演过很多童话剧.She' s acted in a lot of pantomime.
- 但尽管她演过多种令人称道的主角或配角,观众还是青睐爱情喜剧片中的瑞恩。她尝试的惊险或忧郁的角色,往往都被她所扮演的明亮可人的无足轻重的人物形象所掩盖。Despite creditable supporting and leading dramatic roles,audiences have come to prefer Ryan in romantic comedies,and her riskier,darker screen efforts tend to be eclipsed by the sunny attractions of her more popular lightweight screen persona.
- 她演过很多童话剧。She's acted in a lot of pantomime.
- 生于1948俄裔芭蕾舞舞蹈家和编导,在列宁格勒的基洛夫芭蕾舞剧院演出,演过独舞,并编导过很多作品Russian-born ballet dancer and choreographer who after performing with the Kirov Ballet in Leningrad defected to the United States(1974),where he has danced for the American Ballet Theater,appeared in independent productions,and choreographed many works
- 童话剧的大结局.the grand finale of a pantomine
- 孩子们看了童话剧非常兴奋.The children were very excited by the pantomime.
- 汉斯·克里斯琴知道很多童话故事。Hans Christian knew many such tales.
- 她演朱丽叶不合适。She is not fitted to play the part of Juliet.
- 在童话剧的帘子后面Behind the curtain in the pantomime
- 去过been
- 她演得最糟。She played the worst of anybody.
- 韩剧South Korean TV soaps
- 多年来,我有过很多的点子。I have had a great many ideas over the years.
- 越过(v) overcome; rise above
- 简在学校里演出的童话剧里扮演灰姑娘Jane played the part of Cinderella in the school pantomime.
- 她演朱丽叶这一角色。She is acting the role of Juliet.
- 绕过round
- 难过的sorry
- 她演老大娘非常出色。She does a marvelous elderly aunt
- 经历过很多起伏Go through a lot of ups and downs