- 她演奏得似乎毫不费力.She plays with seemingly effortless skill.
- 她演奏得似乎毫不费力。She plays with seemingly effortless skill.
- 她演奏得好极了。She plays superbly.
- 得permit
- 她演奏得不如她姐姐。She doesn't play as well as her sister.
- 似乎seemingly
- 她演奏得不错,但是她需要在节奏方面加以改进。She plays well but she needs to improve her rhythm.
- 掠夺者表现得似乎全都丧失了理智。The looters behaved as if altogether bereft of their senses.
- 变得became
- 她演奏了笛子。I can play the flute too!
- 他们俩演得似乎对彼此都厌烦得要死。They both acted as if they were bored to death wih each other.
- 得很very (much, good etc.)
- 她演奏的音乐太平淡乏味。Her interpretation of the music was too literal.
- 得了be finished
- 只得have no alternative but to
- 做得好do well
- 作为乐师,她演奏艺术精湛。As a musician, she is technically accomplished.
- 得奖bring down the persimmon
- 她在表面上似乎沉默寡言。She seems quiet on the surface.
- 得手go smoothly