- 她是个无拘无束的人.She's a free spirit, ie a person not hampered by convention.
- 海伦是个感情外露的人。很容易看出她是悲伤还是喜悦。Helen carries her heart on her sleeve. It's easy to see of she is sad or happy.
- 虽然她是个喜单独行动的人,但我们大家都非常喜欢她。Although she is a lone wolf, we all like her very much.
- 我倒不想说她是个说谎的人,她只不过并不总是说实话。I wouldn't go so far as to say that she is a liar, simply that she doesn't always tell the truth.
- 她是个颇有直觉力的人。She is a very intuitive person.
- 做交易时,她是个善于讨价还价的人。She is a tough cookie when it comes to making a deal.
- 自从上个赛季加入这个队以来,她就使人感到她是个举足轻重的队员。Since she joined the team last season she has made her presence felt.
- 她是个坚持实事求是的人。She's a stickler for the truth.
- 她是个非常孤僻的人。She is a very private person.
- 他发现她是个很乏味的人。He found her uninteresting as a person.
- 她是个能说会道的人。She is a facile speaker.
- 他是个妒忌心很强的人,发现妻子有情人,一时盛怒打了她一顿。He was a jealous man who had discovered that his wife had a lover and had hit her in the heat of the moment.
- 她是个相当病态的人。She is rather a morbid person.
- 从她在老板面前点头哈腰的那个模样,你就知道她是个什么人了"From the way she's Bowing and scraping in front of the Boss, you'll know what sort of person she is."
- 她是个贪婪的人,很少帮助别人。She is an avaricious person and seldom helps others.
- 她是个精力旺盛的人.She's a very vital sort of person.
- 尚特患有脑瘫症,65岁的科太太爽快地承认“她是个令人提心吊胆的孩子”。Shante,who has cerebral palsy,can be a terror,Mrs.Coe,65,readily admits.
- 她是个和蔼可亲的人。She is a warm kindly person.
- 她是个精力旺盛的人。She's a very vital sort of person.
- 巴比特对齐拉说,她是个专爱找岔,嫉妒成性,哭丧脸面,让人难受的女人。Babbitt told Zilla that she was a nagging, jealous, sour and unwholesome woman.