- 她是个政界名人.She is a famous man is polity.
- 她是个政界名人。She is a swell in politics.
- 海伦是个感情外露的人。很容易看出她是悲伤还是喜悦。Helen carries her heart on her sleeve. It's easy to see of she is sad or happy.
- 你要当心汤普森小姐,她是个脾气很坏的老太婆。Be on your guard against Miss Thompson. She's an old cat.
- 据说她是个妖艳女人。It is said that she is a siren.
- 她是个受欢迎的来宾。She was a welcome visitor.
- 大体说来,她是个品行端正的孩子。She is for the most part a well-behaved child.
- 她是个失败的农场主。She is an unsuccessful farmer.
- 她是个老顽固。She is an old fossil.
- 她是个美人。She's a beautiful creature.
- 她是个性感十足的金发尤物。She was a voluptuous creature with blonde hair.
- 她是个自私自利的女孩。She is a selfish girl.
- 她是个未婚母亲。She is an unmarried mother.
- 他的逝去对她是个可怕的打击。His death was a terrible blow to her.
- 她是个颇有直觉力的人。She is a very intuitive person.
- 她是个心智缺陷者。She is a mental defective.
- 做交易时,她是个善于讨价还价的人。She is a tough cookie when it comes to making a deal.
- 她是个比谁都耐心的老师。She is a teacher than whom no one is more patient.
- 她是个念文学的研究生。She is a graduate student in literature.
- 她是个很节俭的主妇。She is a very thrifty housewife.