- 她拒绝的内在原因.the underlying reason for her refusal
- 她向那位失望的年轻人当面提出的理由,也许并不是真正促使她拒绝他的原因。Probably the reasons she gave to the mortified young man himself were not those which actuated her refusal.
- 她拒绝接受克洛维提出的参加原始舞会的诱惑性的建议。She refused to fall in, however, with Clovis's tempting suggestion of a primeval dance party.
- 否定,反驳,拒绝意指或表示反驳、否认或拒绝的说法或行为A statement or an act indicating or expressing a contradiction, denial, or refusal.
- 由于道德上的原因,她拒绝参军。She refused to join the army on moral grounds.
- 她以前修过好多法门,但库达吉大师授予她最究竟的印心的内在传承。She had practiced numerous methods before, but Master Khuda Ji imparted to Her the ultimate spiritual transmission that is the essence of initiation.
- 对什么都不拒绝的人很快会没有东西可拒绝。--马提雅尔He who refuses nothing will soon have nothing to refuse.-Martial
- 经过再次考虑之后,她拒绝了他的求婚,打算完成大学学业。On second think, she reject his marriage proposal to finish college.
- 选中要拒绝的每个管理时间请求旁的复选框,然后单击“拒绝”。Select the check box next to each administrative time request that you want to reject, and then click Reject.
- 她多半会拒绝的。Don't be surprised if she refuses.
- 她拒绝从命。She refused to be lorded over.
- 我想他会拒绝的。我恰恰认为她是个固执已见的人,做这种事当然不合乎她的习惯。I expected her to refuse. I just thought of her as set in her ways, and this sort of thing certainly wasn't among her habits.
- 她拒绝了送给她的礼物。She repudiated the gift sent to her.
- 这个界面上收到的PATH错误消息总数。这个数字表明PATH被远程主机拒绝的次数。The total number of PATH error messages received on this interface. This number indicates the number of times a PATH has been rejected by a remote host.
- 她拒绝对事故承担责任。She disclaimed responsibility for the accident.
- 加拉坚持自己一直要离开的决心,他认为加入阿森那的机会对他来说是无法拒绝的。France international Gallas consistently stated his determination to leave the Premiership champions, with the chance to join Arsenal an opportunity that was too good to refuse.
- 她拒绝嫁他,使他伤心。She broke his heart by refusing to marry him .
- 求职再次遭到拒绝的消息使她非常灰心。News of another job rejection disheartened her badly.
- 她拒绝穿那么短的裙子。She refused to be seen dead wearing a shirt that short.
- 我赞赏她敢于拒绝的勇气。I applaud her for having the courage to refuse.