- 她低下头祈祷.She inclined her head in prayer
- 生平第一次,她低下头虔诚地祈祷。She bowed her head to pray.
- 她低下头匆匆往前走去。She bent her head and hurried on.
- 他看那小女孩手舞足蹈地表白完了她无罪受冤屈,于是瞪着她看,直到她低下头来。He looked at the girl acting out her injured innocence and stared at her until she looked down.
- 她低下了头。She abased her head.
- 他惭愧地低下头来。He bowed his head in shame.
- 她低下头祈祷。She inclined her head in prayer.
- 他低下头好像要读书的样子。He put down his bead as if he was going to read the book.
- 她低下了头,眼眶里又潮湿了She hung her head and her eyes became moist again
- 低下头!Duck your head down!
- 他看到了朋友脸上的泪珠,于是他低下头,表示心领神会。He saw the tears on his comrades cheeks, and bowed his head and understood.
- 我对奥德丽嚷嚷时她低下了头。Audrey hung her head when I shouted at her.
- 那个护士局促不安地低下头去。The nurse shifted uneasily and hung his head.
- 悲痛地低下头hang one's head in sorrow.
- 听到她说的话,他羞愧地低下了头。He hanged his head when he heard what she said.
- 她低下头来把脸伏在雪白的小脖子上唯一的皱纹里,‘你啊,你这个宝贝。Her face bent into the single wrinkle of the small, white neck. "You dream, you.
- 他们羞愧地低下头来。They bowed their heads in shame.
- 国王走过时她把头低下来。She dipped her head as the king walked past.
- 害羞地低下头lower one's head coyly
- 听了这些话,她低下头来。She inclined her head at the works.