- 她与老朋友反目成仇了.She turned against her old friend
- 她与老朋友翻脸了。She turned against her old friend.
- 这对兄弟反目成仇了几年后终于和好了。The two brothers have finally patched up their quarrel after years of bitter animosity.
- 他现在富有了竟然傲慢的不屑与老朋友交往了。He's too snooty to associate with his old friends now he's rich.
- 她认为如果她研究的不是现代语言而是梵语,那么她与大家就有差别了。She believes that she will be different form the common herd if she studies Sanskrit of modern languages.
- 格雷丝完全出乎意料地在与老朋友的这场遭遇战中打了败仗。Grace was thus unexpectedly worsted in her encounter with her old friend.
- 她与老朋友反目成仇了。She turned against her old friend.
- 她与父亲团聚的尝试有可能产生非常不幸的结局。Her attempts to reunite with her father may end very unhappily.
- 他与老朋友绝交了。He broke with an old friend.
- 她父母不允许她与那个年轻人结婚,她便悄悄地和他私奔了。Her parents didn't allow her to marry the young man and she went off with him secretly.
- 我与老朋友始终保持着友谊。I keep companionship with my old friends.
- 如果你付不起餐费或电影票,就请她与你一起吃点心喝咖啡。If you can't afford dinner or a movie,then ask her to meet you for dessert and coffee.
- 他现在富了,竟妄自尊大不屑与老朋友来往了。Snooty He's too snooty to associate with his old friends now he's rich.
- 如果她与丈夫离异,肯定会在村子里引起公愤。If she leaves her husband, she will certainly create a scandal in the village.
- 一年一度的聚餐会是与老朋友叙旧的好机会。The annual dinner is a chance to renew acquaintance with old friends.
- 她与公司中的那些上级主管合作愉快She works well with those superiors to her in the firm.
- 不要与老朋友断绝来往,没有人能够代替他。要知道,友谊如酒,越久越醇。Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows old.
- 她与她的独生女儿断绝了母女关系。She repudiated her only daughter.
- 因为她是花果神,所以人们特别把她与玫瑰、罂粟和爱神木联系起来。As goddess of flowers and fruitfulness she is associated especially with the rose, the poppy, and the myrtle.
- 你很快会结交新朋友,重新与老朋友联系。不必害羞,朋友们都会喜欢你。这是预料中的结果。You'll soon be making new friends and reconnecting with old ones. No need to be shy. They'll love you. It's a foregone conclusion.