- 大海的翻腾.the surge of the sea
- 在极度痛苦中狼狈地做着种种奇形怪状的翻腾跳跃。and playing all manner of extraordinary gambols in the extremity of their distress.
- 他采用的翻腾式转身,是最快的转身方式。That's a flip turn, the fastest turn.
- 当我在海岸边的那座城市走下火车时,我闻到了大海的气息。When I got off the train at the city on the coast, I could smell the sea.
- 成套动作:运动员以髋部为轴的翻腾或筋斗。the axis of the hips.
- 大海ocean
- 我要能造出莎士比亚和但丁这样的大海的河流,要不会在以往的空泛中干涸的河流、大海。I want rivers that make oceans such as Shakespeare and Dante, rivers which do not dry up in the void of the past.
- 那个时候最向往的就是海边,好像可以有个时间可以聆听一下大海的声音。At that time, the most recommendable is the seaside, there is a time to listen to the voice of the sea.
- 面向大海的城堡a castle fronting on the sea
- 这里是亚马逊河水流入大海的地方。This is where the waters of the Amazon flow out into the sea.
- 我们看到大海的瑰丽之景。We had a superb view of the sea.
- 流向大海的河a river in its course to the sea
- 但是,吹过堤道的凤,带来了大海的新鲜空气,使他那狂热的怒气凉了下来。But the wind coming over the causeway, the salty freshness of the air, cooled his anger.
- 同时大海的起伏动荡加剧了。And the tempo of the sea speeded up.
- 大海的老父The old man of the sea
- 篱笆挡住了我们观望大海的视线。The fence cuts off our view of the sea.
- 大海的色彩The Colors of the Sea
- 你能有一间面向大海的房间。You can have a room facing the ocean.
- 大海的波涛声the voice of the sea
- 大海的/家乡的魅力the call of the sea/your homeland