- 嘈杂声渐渐消失了.Gradually the noise died away.
- 假使我没有答应再和他见面,他心里的下流欲望也许会渐渐消失了。Had I not yielded to see him again, the corrupt desire in him had worn off.
- 喧闹声渐渐消失了。The noise gradually faded away.
- 为了逃避喧嚣和嘈杂声,他们加快了脚步,最后走出了那个城镇。Quickening their steps to get clear of all the roar and riot, they at length passed through the town.
- 那孩子的抽搭声渐渐消失了。The child's sobs gradually died down.
- 老唱片渐渐消失的声音。the faded tones of an old recording.
- 这时逐渐平静下来了,只听见人群安静时常有的那种轻微的嘈杂声。By this time quiet had been gradually restored, and there only remained that faint hum which always rises out of the silence of a great crowd.
- 那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来。The child's sobs gradually died down.
- (心理学)指一种条件反应,因为强化作用的消失或者减弱而导致条件反应的渐渐消失。(psychology) Of a conditioned response,caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement.
- 低沉的喃喃声渐渐增强,终于变成了怒吼。The murmur gradually swelled intoangry roars.
- 嘈杂声brouhaha
- 由于没人同意他的意见,他对那项工程的热情很快就消失了。As no one agreed with him, his enthusiasm for the project quickly drained away.
- 厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。Thick walls deaden noise.
- 得到的马蹄声渐渐远去。The clip- clop of the horse's hooves faded away into the distance.
- 在他们的影响下,我的眼界豁然开朗,忧虑消失了,未知变成了可知。Under their influence, the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowable.
- 发噪音器(或人)发出嘈杂声的东西,尤指在聚会上用来发出声响的设备如喇叭或铃铛One that makes noise, especially a device such as a horn or rattle used to make noise at a party.
- 窗外的喧闹声渐渐压过了嘶哑的蝉声。Out of the window, the bustle voice was louder than the sound made by cicadas.
- 得得的马蹄声渐渐远去。The clip- clop of the horse's hooves faded away into the distance.
- 一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。I was confused by all the noise.
- 笑声、谈话声渐渐小了下来,他们目不转睛地看着哈洛,朝他微笑。The laughter and talk subside and they all stare smiling at Harlowe.