- 他在学习上有些困难,但在同志们的帮助下,他已跟上班上的功课了。He has some difficulties in his study, but with his comrades' help he has kept up with the class.
- 们(plural marker for pronouns and a few animate nouns)
- 加油啊,同志们!Play up, comrades.
- 那位伤兵在一位农夫的帮助下又回到同志们中间。The injured soldier was reunited with his comrades under the help of a farmer.
- 同志们,读最好的书;更重要的是,在着手读之前,先要知道如何去读。Comrades, read only choice books; and what is more, learn how to read before you set yourselves at the task of reading.
- 替同志们报仇avenge one's comrades
- 你似乎不该对你的同志们发号施令。It does not seem to belong to you to dictate to your comrades.
- 他抓起工具袋和同志们一起奔了出去。He seized on his kit bag and ran out with his comrades.
- 但是他不愿背弃他的同志们。But he didn't want to give his comrades away.
- 告诉同志们,遇事要沉着。Tell our comrades to keep calm when problems arise.
- 这儿的同志们都不特别在乎。The comrades here did not mind particularly.
- 同志们都一个劲儿催我去看医生。The comrades all pressed me to go add see the doctor.
- 他把同志们留下的工作继续做下去。He carried on the task left by his comrades.
- 他总是不嫌麻烦为他的同志们跑腿。He always puts himself out to run errands for his comrades.
- 她和同志们把这情况也讨论了一下。She and her comrades had talked the situation over.
- 同志们,请排好队。Fall into line, please, comrades.
- 来,同志们,赶快!Come on, comrades. Double up.
- 不顾敌人的威胁,他没有说出同志们的名字。He didn't reveal the names of his comrades in the teeth of the enemy's threat.
- 同志们,这是一种误解。Comrades, this is a misconception.
- “同志们"Comrades!" cried an eager youthful voice.