- 各以三笔画一双前肢.Form each of the two claws in three strokes.
- 四年级学生以三比一战胜了三年级学生。The seniors defeated the juniors by 3-1.
- 最后,我以七折的价钱买了一双运动鞋。Finally, I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30%25 discount.
- 在第二类竞赛项目中,运动员以三或四人作为一个小组参加。In the second group of events and games,three or four athletes work as a group.
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 在各方面in every respect
- 三围measurements of the chest, waist and hips
- 她一双眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒。Her eyes twinkled with delight.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- "据我了解,代表们对这一安排都感到满意。""Insofar as I can see, the representatives are all satisfied with the arrangement."
- 在校4年学习期间,各门功课均为优良。During my four academic years. I made good grades on all courses.
- 她丢掉了一双长统袜。She has lost a pair of stockings.
- 男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.
- 三军army; the three armed services
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。""It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 3年来她一直师从于一位著名的音乐家。For three years she is studying under a famous musician.
- 她以一点退休金为生。She lived on a small pension.
- 我买了一双结实的靴子。I bought a pair of stout boots.
- 磷酸三钠trisodium phosphate (TSP)
- 1995年三月五日,我举办了一次愉快的生日聚会。I had a happy birthday party on March5,1995.