- 可别小看了她的才能.Don't be so dismissive of her talent.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。""Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 你可别小看这小小的绣花针,可以绣出大文章。You shouldn't belittle this tiny embroidered needle. It can play a big role sometime.
- 千万别小看了这个职业,正所谓隔行如隔山,小到诸如赶羊如圈这样的事情你都不一定会做,不信,那就来试试?Do not read the small occupation, is the so-called insiders, such as the small circle drive sheep as you do things you would not do it. Not, then to try?
- 埃尔顿先生在一次舞会上对她的粗鲁无礼更促成了她的醒悟。Her recovery was aided by Mr. Elton's rudeness to her at a ball.
- 做这样千篇一律的工作,是浪费了她的才能。The routine work is a waste of her talents.
- 人们通常小看了到一个新的国家新的环境以及可能产生的影响People often underestimate the effect that a new county and cultrue can have on them
- 你千万别小看它。You mustn't take it lightly.
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 她显示了她烹饪的才能。She showed her talent for cooking.
- 你写感谢信时,可别忘了提一下主任。Don't forget to toss in a mention of the director when you write the letter of thanks.
- 别小看人!Don't look down on me!
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... ""... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 不要小看了黄山的发展潜力,黄山终究会成为一座国际旅游城市!Don't underestimate the potential of HuangShan City.Slowly but surely, this city will become an international tourism city.
- 她把她的才能传给她女儿。She bequeathed her talent to her daughter.
- 千万别小看敌人哦。Do not underestimate the enemy, oh.
- 别小看自己的能力,但也别定出一个遥不可及的目标。Never sell yourself short,but do not set a task for yourself which is utterly ridiculous.
- 她的才能总使她事事成功。Her ability makes her successful in everything she does .
- 别小看你自己;我相信你能做。Don't sell yourself short; I am sure you can do it.
- 这回倒可了她的心。It suited her perfectly this time.