- 受传染、凉、得流感.Pick up an infection,a cold,the flu,etc
- 我妈妈得流感了。My mother has a touch of the flu.
- 得permit
- 别担心,我从不受传染。Don't worry. I never infect.
- 我得流感时,嗓子哑了三天。When I had flu I lost my voice for three days.
- 受传染infect
- 她得流感后身体复原。She rallied from the flu.
- 凉cool
- 受传染的人[法] infected person
- 又能出来走走真好,我得流感已经卧床一个星期了。It's good to go for a walk again; I've been on my back with flu for a week.
- 传染infect
- 变得became
- 凉茶herb tea
- 受传染,感染的infect
- 不受be sacred from
- 他指出,私家医生的定点监察网络,也录得流感类疾病在社区的数字有上升之势。The spokesman said the sentinel surveillance networks among private doctors also detected an increase of influenza-like illness in the community.
- 受用benefit from
- 传染的infectant
- 得很very (much, good etc.)
- 不受影响be unacted on