- 北京要比伦敦大一点.Beijing is bigger than London.
- 北京要比伦敦大一点。交通在上下班高峰期时尤其堵塞。华盛顿比北京小一点。Beijing is bigger than London. The traffic is busier during rush hour. Washington is smaller than Beijing.
- 北京Beijing
- 布伦达的志向是当一名主管,但我的抱负要比他的大一点。John hitched his wagon to a start and decided to try to become President.
- 比ratio
- 在某些方面是的,但上海要比伦敦更有活力,有更多的新观念。它与伦敦不同。Steve: In some ways. But Shanghai is livelier than London, and there are more new ideas. It's different from London.
- 从合肥乘飞机去北京要多长时间?How long do it take to fly from hefei to beijing?
- 伦敦大板球场是板球运动员常常出没的地方。Lord's is the cricketer's mecca.
- 东京的人口比伦敦的多。The population of Tokyo is larger than that of London.
- 飞到北京要多久?How long does it take him to fly to Beijing?
- 英国伦敦大本钟Big Ben in London, England
- 寄到北京要多少天?How long does it take to get to Beijing?
- 这里的道路比伦敦的安静多了。The roads here are much quieter here than in London.
- 这家伦敦大银行倒闭的消息很快就传开了。The failure of the great London banking house was noised abroad.
- 挂号信寄到北京要多少钱?How much is a registered letter to Beijing?
- 我能试穿比这件衣服大一点的尺寸吗?Can I try on this shirt in a bigger size?
- 寄挂号信到北京要多少钱?How much is it to send a registered letter to Beijing?
- 华盛顿时间比伦敦时间晚几个小时。Washington is several hours slow on London.
- 这家伦敦大银行倒闭的消息很快就传遍各地。The failure of the great London banking house was quickly noised about.
- 寄快件/快递包裹到北京要多少钱?How much is it to send an express letter/a package to Beijing?