- 你得一五一十地告诉她.You have to tell her word for word.
- 如果你不想失去她,就最好一五一十地告诉她吧!If you don't want to lose her, you'd better lay it on the line.
- 把她说的一五一十地告诉我。Tell me what she said, word for word.
- 得permit
- 如果你不想失去我,你最好一五一十地告诉我。If you don't want to lose me, you'd better lay it on the live.
- 你要带玛丽出去开车兜风,你得保证带她回来上音乐课。If you take Mary out for a drive you must promise to get her for her music lesson.
- 她把事情的经过一五一十地告诉了我。She told me every last detail of the events.
- 你得把这个问题提交给上一级。You will have to remit this problem to a higher authority.
- 你得加快步伐。You have to step up your pace.
- 他把事情的经过一五一十地说了一遍。He reported on the whole matter in full detail.
- 当母亲问是谁打破了杯子时,吉姆坦白地告诉她是自己打破的。When Mother asked who broke the glass,Jim told her right out that he did it.
- 我可以告诉你,但你得答应保守秘密。I'll tell you only if you promise to keep it to yourself.
- 他把事情一五一十地都给同志们讲了。He told his comrades the whole story exactly as it had happened.
- 他一五一十地提出很多藉口为自己的行为辩解.He launched into a long series of excuses for his behaviour.
- 关于你的假期计划,你得告诉你的办公室。Leave word at the office about your holiday plans.
- 我们将坏消息婉转地告诉她吧。We have to break the bad news gently to her.
- 一个抢劫犯被抓到了,他一五一十地招供出了他的伙伴。One of the robbers got caught and he spilled the beans on his partner.
- 玛丽可能会有点喜怒无常,容易激动,你得学会安抚她。Mary can be a bit moody and you have to learn to handle her with kid gloves.
- 他一五一十地提出很多藉口為自己的行為辩解。He launched into a long series of excuses for his behavior.
- 你得保证你不生气,我才肯把一切都告诉你。You must promise me that you won't sulk if I tell you all about it.