- 伤口不洁可受感染.A dirty cut may become septic, ie affected by bacteria.
- 伤口不干净容易受感染。A dirty cut may go septic.
- 最典型的症状是增加口渴或饥饿,体重减轻,疲劳,增加排尿,视力模糊,伤口不愈合。The most typical kind of symptoms are increased thirst or hunger, weight loss, fatigue, increased urination, blurred vision and sores that do not heal by themselves.
- 针头经常是不洁的,以致许多监狱犯人申述说,由于抽血,他们已感染了病毒。Needles were often dirty,so that many inmates now claim to have been infected as they gave blood.
- 可受够了 我再也不到这家旅馆来了.This is the end I'm never coming to this hotel again.
- 与伤口不粘结nonadhesive gauze
- 创可贴Woundplast
- 在这块紫色的棺衣下,画布上的脸变得毫无人性、污秽、不洁。Beneath its purple pall, the face painted on the canvas could grow bestial, sodden, and unclean
- 健康状况不佳易受感染。Poor health predisposes to infection.
- 不洁的水常会引起重病。Water that is impure often causes serious illness.
- 真是的!我可受够了。Really! I have just about had enough.
- (由于不洁而引起的)肮脏病filth disease
- 未受感染的伤口a clean wound.
- 不洁的[有缺陷的]表面unclean surface
- "本著作"意指在本合约之条款下所提供可受著作权保护之著作。"Work" means the copyrightable work of authorship offered under the terms of this License.
- 不洁的食物/动物unclean food/animals
- 把受感染的部分用消毒剂消毒.Clean the infected area with disinfectant.
- “违反伦常,不洁"It was an abomination, unnatural, unclean!" Abner stormed.
- 他对蒙斯克的仇恨变成了他不可碰触的伤口。His hatred for Arcturus Mengsk has become a festering wound.
- 有人说彼得可受而顽皮,但坦白地说,他只不过是一个宠坏了的孩子。Some people say that Peter is cute and mischievous but in words of one syllable,but in words of one syllable,he's just a brat.