- 他那一贯的谦恭有礼.his invariable courtesy
- 那人虽穷,却表现出天生的谦恭有礼。The man, though poor, showed an inbred courtesy.
- 她既有天生的谦恭有礼的举止,又有坚定不移的信念。She had a natural courtesy combined with an unshakable conviction.
- 她称赞他们的谦恭有礼,欣赏他们勇于自我牺牲的情感,以及他们无懈可击的机智。She praised their courtesy, their passion for self-sacrifice, their perfect tact.
- 他那泪汪汪的眼睛从朦胧中望去,似乎她头上有一圈光轮。Seen across the dim candle with his moistened eyes, she looked as if she had a glory shining round her head.
- 他蠕动他那瘦小的身体钻过了树篱。He wormed his small body through the hedge.
- 他举止间有一种颇为适度的谦恭[有一种适合於其下级地位的谦恭].He behaved with a becoming modesty/with a modesty becoming his junior position.
- 他那锋芒毕露的机智使我们退避三舍。The barb of his wit made us wince.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。""Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 他那疼痛发炎的大拇指肿起来了。His sore thumb puffed up.
- "那么我要给母亲买本书," 他说道。 "非常感谢。我希望将来有一天能报答您。""Then I'll buy a book for Mother, " he said. "I thank you very much, some day I hope I can repay you."
- 他抓了抓他那头发花白的脑袋。He scratched his grizzled poll.
- 他期待下属对他谦恭有礼,而不希望他们拍马奉承。He looks for courtesy from his subordinates, but he doesn't expect them to lick his boots.
- 克莱刚才叫她的口气,显然非常温文有礼,她当时听了,心里不由得一时生出一线新希望来。The marked civility of Clare's tone in calling her seemed to have inspired her, for the moment, with a new glimmer of hope.
- 约翰不得不拼命做活,以挣得足够的钱来供养他那多子女的家庭。John have to hustle to make enough money to support his large family.
- 领班对客人温文有礼,但是对侍者却很强硬。The headwaiter was debonair with the guests but firm with the waiters.
- 每个人都为他那精彩的演讲而受感动。Everybody was impressed by the brilliance of his speech.
- 他开始渴望看到他那可爱的舞伴的脸庞。He began to pine for the sight of his sweet partner's face.
- 他的体力完全和他那魁梧的身材相称。His strength fully realized the idea created by his gigantic frame.
- "他终当然会拿到更高的薪水。" "那要看他什么时候有这个资格。""Of course he will get a higher salary eventually." "If or when he qualifies."