- 他们依偎著躺在床上。They snuggled up (together) in bed.
- 他们依偎著躺在床上.They snuggled up (together) in bed.
- 她蜷缩著躺在床上.She snuggled down in bed.
- 她蜷缩著躺在床上。She snuggled down in bed.
- 他躺在床上还没有咽气儿,他们就开始为他的财产争吵起来。Even as he lay dying they argued over his estate.
- 福利总部,说他们再花几天时间考虑这件事。而这期间我只能躺在床上,动弹不得。The main welfare office at the state capital. They considered the matter for days while I lay in bed, unable to.
- 最后,美国人搭乘他们最后一次车,躺在黑色的大灵车里,被送往公墓。Finally Americans take their "last car ride" -in the big black hearse which carries them to the cemetery.
- 在床上铺一床新毛毯put a new blanket on the bed
- 他约了人在床上。He arranges the appointment in bed.
- 抢劫犯使受害者躺在公路上。The mugger leave his victim lying in the road.
- 向你的勇气致敬!你在床戏里几近裸体,而且在水中生产的那幕戏也是光著身子的。TVG: Kudos for your bravery. You were next to naked in love scenes and nude in the underwater labor scene.
- 躺在那广阔地草地上数着天上的星星,We laid our bodies on the grass to see star at night.
- 夏天床上用品summer bedding
- 他让我躺在青草地上,领我到寂静的水边He maketh me to lie down through pastures green. He leadeth me the silent water by
- 75%酒精棉球床上洗头的应用与研究Research and application of alcohol tampon with 75%25 washing hair in bed
- 她躺在沙发上,身子非常不舒服地蜷着。She lay on the couch, her body uncomfortably twisted.
- 他把绳子的一头系在床上,另一头扔出窗外。Having tied one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out ofthe window.
- 他这会儿趴在床上,看样子好象睡得正熟呢。He lay on his stomach, making an earnest business of sleeping.
- 和英国人作战了十年,到头来却象常人那样死在床上。He made war against the English for ten years, and died in bed at last, like everybody else.
- 当伯莎独自呆在房间里时,她扑倒在床上,突然大哭起来。When Bertha was alone in her room she threw herself down on her bed and burst into tears.